علاج الجلطة – دكتور كريم أشرف
لو قررت الذهاب الي طبيب أعصاب فسوف تحتاج الي قرار اخر غاية في الأهمية وهو أي دكتور أعصاب تذهب اليه وما هي الشروط الواجب توافرها بطبيب الاعصاب الجيد الذي سوف يكون مسؤول عن التشخيص من ثم العلاج للمشكلة المتعلقة بالمخ والاعصاب التي تعاني انت او أحد افراد اسرتك منها!
- علاج الجلطة بالمخ يتم من خلال استشاري امراض المخ والاعصاب
- علاج جلطة المخ والتي هي قصور في الدورة الدموية المخية يتم من خلال علاجات السيولة
- علاج الجلطة يعتمد علي عنصر الوقت
- علاج الجلطة هو امر معقد وحتاج الي المتابعة المستمرة
الدكتـــــــور كــــــريــــــــم اشـــــــــــــــــــرف
- استشاري المخ والاعصاب والطب النفسي،
- دكتوراه المخ والاعصاب كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس،
- ماجستير المخ والاعصاب كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس،
- شهادة فسيولوجيا الاعصاب كليفلند كلينك الولايات المتحدة الامريكية،
- شهادة علاج الألم من جامعة بوستن بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية.
- شهادة علاجات الصرع المتقدمة من الاتحاد الدولي لعلاج الصرع،
- شهادة طب الاعصاب من جامعة UCSFبالولايات المتحدة الامريكية.
آلام الأعصاب: أسبابها وأعراضها وأفضل الطرق للتخلص منها (اضغط هنا).
لافضل النصائح المطلوبة في علاج الجلطة
هنا بعض النصائح التي يمكن ان تستعين بها تساعدك على اختيار طبيب المخ والاعصاب المميز والمناسب لك.
If you’ve decided it’s time to see a neurologist, you’ll need to make another crucial decision: which neurologist is ideal for you or a family member. To identify neurological disease and alleviate neurological disability, you will rely on your neurologist’s knowledge and skills. How can you locate the greatestneurologist for your needs? Here are some key considerations to bear in mind
تحقق من التحويلات ويمكن الحصول علي نصائح من المعارف و الأقارب والأصدقاء ويمكن التحقق من الدرجات العلمية الحاصل عليها الطبيب وخبرته قبل الحضور من خلال موقعه الالكتروني.
Ask for referrals
Begin by checking the referral list provided by your primary care physician. You can add to this list by seeking suggestions from family, friends, and other healthcare providers. Use neurovisit.com to check out the doctors’ credentials and experience. Call each neurologist’s office and request a consult appointment to meet and interview the doctor as you narrow down your list.
تأكد من كفاءة الطبيب وحصوله علي درجات علمية مناسبة مثل شهادة الدكتوراه من احد الجامعات المصرية الحكومية المعترف بها ليكون قادر علي وصف علاج الجلطة المناسب
Check the credentials of the Neurologist
When looking for a neurologist, board certification is one of the most crucial aspects to consider. It indicates that the doctor has the appropriate education, abilities, and expertise to provide neurological care. Confirm that the neurologist has never been the subject of a malpractice lawsuit or disciplinary action. On neurovisit.com and state facebook, you can learn about the neurologist’s medical school, training hospital, certifications, and malpractice and disciplinary history
الخبرة فكلما كانت سنوات الخبرة اكثر كان هذا افضل للمريض ولاختيار الطبيب المتخصص في علاج الجلطة او غيرها من امراض المخ والأعصاب
Think about the Neurologist’s background
When it comes to potentially life-threatening neurological disorders, experience counts. The more expertise a neurologist has with a certain ailment or surgery, the better your outcomes will be. Inquire about the neurologist’s experience treating patients with your specific neurological disease. If you know you need a specific procedure, find out how many the doctor has done and what the complication rates are—both the complications the doctor has seen and your own risk of difficulties
بعض الامراض قد تحتاج الي طبيب والأخر قد يحتاج الي طبيبة
Take Gender into Account
Because you will need to openly discuss personal details, it is critical that you feel comfortable with your neurologist’s gender. When it comes to specific sorts of neurological care, your gender plays a significant role. Neurologists are growing increasingly adept at treating men and women in diverse ways. Inquire about the neurologist’s most recent training and experience, particularly in relation to your ailment and gender
ليس فقط الامر متعلق بالطبيب بل أيضا بمكان تقديم الخدمة
Look into the quality of hospitals
The hospital where your doctor works is your hospital. As a result, think about the level of care provided by the hospital where the neurologist can treat patients. You care about hospital quality because top-rated hospitals have fewer problems and higher survival rates. Also consider whether the location of the hospital is relevant to you. If you need to travel to the hospital for tests or treatment, you want the environment to encourage, not discourage, prompt treatment
أيضا وسيلة التواصل مهمة جدا مع الطبيب والمريض
Consider your communication style
Choose a neurologist with whom you feel at ease and who will provide you with the information you require. Because neurologic disorders are so complex, precise and trusting talks between the neurologist and the patient are essential. Treatment decisions are frequently based on your conversations rather than sophisticated scans. When you meet the neurologist for the first time, ask a question and observe how he or she answers. Is he or she willing to answer your inquiries and in a way that you can understand? Find a neurologist who takes the time to get to know you, takes your treatment preferences into account, and respects your decision-making process
تعرف علي اراء المرضي الاخرين
Read Patient Testimonials
Reading what other people have to say about a doctor might give you an idea of how he or she performs medicine and runs his or her medical business. Patients’ experiences with booking appointments, wait times, the office environment, and the politeness of the office employees are frequently reflected in patient reviews. You can find out how much patients trust the doctor, how much time he or she spends with them, and how well they respond to inquiries
تعرف علي وضع التأمين بالنسبة للخدمات المقدمة
Understand what your insurance policy covers
It’s a practical matter to have insurance coverage. You may need to find a neurologist who participates in your plan to get the maximum insurance benefits and pay the least out-of-pocket for your care. When choosing a neurologist from your plan, you should still examine credentials, experience, outcomes, and hospital quality
Dr.Karim Ashraf has been providing home consultations since 2011, and over 500 people have benefited greatly from this service
Dr.Karim Ashraf, a neurology consultant, provides home service consultations on a daily basis, primarily in the afternoon
Service should be scheduled and purchased ahead of time
Dr.Karim Ashraf is a neurology consultant that specializes in all neurology subspecialties, such as brain stroke and hemorrhage, multiple sclerosis, neuropathies, epilepsy, and much more
Dr.Karim’s visits can benefit almost any patient with mobility issues
These elderly people with cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s make up a substantial segment of regular clients at Dr.Karim Ashraf Consultant of Neurology’s home visit initiative
Please do not hesitate to contact our team, who will be more than pleased to answer any questions you may have and assist you with booking and organizing this
Our service doesn’t stop at providing home consultations; it also includes a remote service that keeps track of patients after they’ve had an onsite session
In an emergency, do not request a home consultation; instead, call an ambulance as soon as feasible
لمعلومات اخري عن امراض المخ والاعصاب و علاج الجلطة مثل
الغوليان باريه (اضغط هنا)
جلطة المخ الجوانب الخفية (اضغط هنا)
مشكلات العصب البصري (اضغط هنا)
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Doctor Karim Ashraf – Consultant Neurologist, Cairo – Egypt |